Here are some of my reference books, downloaded by me. These are available for reading or download to any one. Happy Reading!
1. Gazetteer of Bombay presidency, Vol XVIII part III
2. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Vol 4; 1838;
3. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7; 1838;
4. Journal of Bombay Branch of Asiatic Society, 1876, Vol.12,
5. Archaeological Survey of Western India; Vol 5;
6. Alberuni’s History of India
7. Alberuni’s India
8. Xuan Zang’s Travels Vol 1 translated by Beal
9. Xuan Zang’s Travels Vol2 translated by Beal
10. Report of Tours in North and South Bihar in 1880-81
11. Kharoshti Inscriptions on Niya Slates
12. Innermost Asia Vol I By Sir Aurel Stein
13. Innermost Asia Vol II By Sir Aurel Stein
14. Innermost Asia Vol III -(Part 1)
15. Innermost Asia Vol III- (Part 2)
16. Lectures on Prehistoric civilizations of Indus Valley By Raobahadur Dixit